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Farmers Weekly “Embracing our identity, roots and kai”

29 July, 2024

Great to see the interaction and reach the recent STAMP EU tour has had. This week Farmers Weekly published an article featuring Katie Henderson, one of the STAMP cohort who went to Europe on the trip and her key takeaways. 

What is New Zealand’s food culture, and how does it influence our food and fibre sector?

To me, our food (kai) culture and sector are connected in an ambiguous way, but why isn’t it more prominent? Food culture runs deeper than just cuisine. Culture is a way of life, and food and culture are closely linked, influencing each other. If we can strengthen this connection, it could benefit our farmers and producers and add value for both international and domestic consumers. 

In the countries I visited, particularly Italy, there was a strong food culture. Food was a vital means of expressing identity, values, and history. Food was not only about eating but also about the rituals of making, serving and enjoying it. Why have a long Italian lunch enjoyed for hours in a large group? So you can really appreciate the food, its quality, and its origins. 

Check out the article linked below to have a further read.