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Alternative proteins are here – the next 30 years could be crucial for NZ’s meat and dairy sectors

Essentially, the modelling found that the growth of the #alternativeprotein sector has an impact on sheep and dairy in New Zealand: dairy being particularly sensitive to developments in precision fermentation that produces direct substitutes for whey protein and casein. Watch out for the full report – but read the synthesis in the article in the Conversation today. Read More Latest Articles

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FoodHQ launch a new hub alongside the release of the Manawatu Regional Food Strategy

FoodHQ CEO, Dr. Victoria Hatton is excited that the physical presence will help to provide visibility to the organisation and help to demystify what FoodHQ does at a pivotal time in their development. FoodHQ represents the largest collaboration of food science and innovation in New Zealand. Its vision is to build a truly sustainable food system in New Zealand that is equitable, innovative and export focused. This will be achieved by bringing people together to realise our collective food innovation potential and create more value, faster. “In the past six to nine months we have done a lot of...

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Getting inventive about how we make food

Who is to say we won’t live to see a version of Violet Beauregarde’s three-course-dinner chewing gum as ideated by Willy Wonka become a reality, says Dr Victoria Hatton. I have been very fortunate, six months into a new job, to travel to the United States and Australia to learn, to calibrate my thinking, test ideas and form new ones. I have also built new friendships and new collaborations.  After such a fabulous trip, its important to distil my thoughts, and share those that are relevant so that others can learn from my experience.  There are three key takeaways. The global...

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New proteins NZ could be best at growing

FoodHQ’s report, Unleashing Aotearoa NZ’s Next Protein Revolution, focuses on NZ’s chances of success in producing 10 of these novel proteins. The four that rank highest are hemp, leafy greens, seaweed and fungi. FoodHQ chief executive Dr Victoria Hatton said the report builds on two other pieces of work that identified the options and highlighted the need to understand where our strengths could align with the sector. “The intention of the report was to really help us understand how we can best go about contributing to the emerging protein supply market based on what our ‘uniqueness’...

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PwC Climate strategist takes the reins at FoodHQ

Dr Victoria Hatton Hatton is set to join the Palmerston North-based organisation, which represents  a cluster of scientific facilities and 2500 food researchers largely from Massey University, at the end of the month. She will take over from from current chief executive Abby Thompson, who is joining Miruku as chief operating officer. Hatton leaves big four accountancy firm PwC, where she has been director of sustainability and climate change for almost two years, topping around fifteen years experience working in climate change, bridging the divide between science, policy and...

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